A preeminent insurance coverage law firm, dedicated to exclusively representing the interests of the insurance industry around the world.
Why Insurers Choose Us
We address emerging risks, evaluate complex insurance issues, and resolve high exposure disputes for our clients.
What We Do
We work with our clients in Bermuda, London, Tokyo, and the United States to minimize risk and create favorable legal precedent for the insurance industry.
Where We Are
We are a firm comprised of attorneys who thoroughly understand the insurance industry and issues that arise under a wide variety of insurance products.
We deliver consistent and reliable results by working collaboratively with our clients.
People and businesses throughout the United States and around the world have been—and, by all accounts, will continue to be for some time—significantly impacted by the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
Monica Sullivan Addresses Insurance Coverage Issues At Opioid Litigation Conference
Monica Sullivan will participate in the Opioid Litigation Conference in Dallas, Texas, addressing "The Insurance Coverage and Allocation Issues."
Nicolaides Fink Thorpe Michaelides Sullivan LLP welcomes another partner to its ranks with the addition of Tamiko A. Dunham in its San Francisco office.
Meaghan Sweeney Authors Article in DRI's Covered Events
In her article, Meaghan explores the risks of corporate activism and the corresponding impact on a company's insurance coverage.
Managing Partner Richard Nicolaides Talks to Law360 About Creating "Something Unique"
Law360 interviewed Richard Nicolaides, Jr. for its June 12th "Law Firm Leaders" column.
Jodi Green and Patricia Daza-Luu Author Articles on Cannabis Industry Insurance Coverage and Exposures
Green's and Daza-Luu's articles were featured in the Coverage and Law360.